Current Awardees
Left to right: Jennifer Corderoy; Ayman Miazi; The Governor-General, Her Excellency, the Hon. Sam Mostyn AC; Matthew Selkrig; Jade Harrison; Paris Lay-Yee and Dr Helen Nugent AC, Chairman of the Order of Australia Association Foundation
The Scholarships
The Scholarships have two significant features. Awardees receive :
- a Scholarship of $40,000 which is tailored to the awardee’s individual needs to include tuition fees, living allowance, text books and equipment ; and
- an introduction to and a personal mentoring relationship with a volunteer mentor who is a recipient of the Order of Australia and is eminent in the chosen field of study of the awardee.
Selection of Scholarship Awardees
Each year the Foundation, in consultation with the generous donors who have provided the funding for individual Scholarships, offers Scholarships via the selected Universities and disciplines. The Universities then call for applications for the Awards. The selection of Scholarship Awardees is guided by a Selection Panel consisting of Professors from each University designated for the Awards and three Foundation Board Directors.
The Foundation has, so far, awarded 60 Scholarships to undergratuates covering all States and Territories.
To be eligible for the Scholarship, the applicant must:
- Be an Australian citizen aged in their twenties but, in exceptional circumstances, some may be considered up to their early 30’s;
- Be currently enrolled in their first University Degree(s) and in their second year of study in one of the selected disciplines at a specified University;
- Be a full-time student and expect to proceed to complete their course by full-time study;
- Have demonstrated high academic achievement in their studies;
- Have demonstrated qualities of leadership, initiative and involvement in community affairs; and,
- Be able to demonstrate their need for financial assistance to benefit from the Scholarship